Category Archives: Uncategorized

Provenience Seminar Series

Are you interested in provenience, human remains at FU and ethical considerations? We are discussing this in a new seminar series organized by Vanessa. It takes place Tuesdays at 5pm in the big lecture hall of the Zoology building (Koenigin-Luise-Strasse … Continue reading

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Nomenclutter manuscript recommended by PCI

Our manuscript on mtDNA “Nomenclutter” and its Consequences on the Interpretation of Genetic Data has been accepted and recoomended by PCIEvolBiol. The very nice recommendation can be found here. Congratulations to Baja and Vanessa!

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TEKRABber manuscript submitted to bioRxiv

We submitted our manuscript on our study of functional relationships between KRAB-ZNF genes and transposable elements (TEs) to bioRxiv: “Regulatory networks of KRAB zinc finger genes and transposable elements changed during human brain evolution and disease”. In this work, Yao … Continue reading

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Manuscript on “mtDNA “Nomenclutter” submitted to PCI

You have submitted your preprint entitled mtDNA “Nomenclutter” and its Consequences on the Interpretation of Genetic Data” to PCIEvolBiol, the Peer Community In for Evolutionary Biology. Baja and Vanessa describe very clearly the history of the nomenclature of human mitochondrial haplogroups, its … Continue reading

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We finally have a new TA: Anne

We are happy to announce that we could finally hire Anne as our new technician. We are getting up to speed with our experiments 🙂

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Marula started her PhD

We have a new PhD student, Marula Mathew, who is strengthening the wetlab site of our team. Welcome Marula!

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Laura started as new PhD student

Laura Schmidt joined our team to work on gene regulatory factors with human specific changes. She will use primate iPSC to comparatively investigate how such factors might have contributed to unique pathways and expression patterns during human brain development.

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Talk at Berlin Brains

On February 24th 2022 we gave a talk about our work for the general public at the Urania in Berlin. More than 100 people joined online and about 50 people had been in the auditorium. The talk is now available … Continue reading

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TEKRABber R package in Bioconductor

Yao-Chung has developed an R package called TEKRABber to compare relationships between transposable elements (TEs) and genes between species. It is now available from Bioconductor: Using RNA-Seq data, the package is normalizing expression values for genes and TEs across species … Continue reading

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Starting our wetlab

Finally: After waiting for more than four years, we can start our first work in our brand new wetlab!

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