Join our lab!

Postdocs and PhD students:

Prospective Postdocs and PhD students are always welcome to inquire about potential projects in our lab. Just send an email with your interests and experiences, and explain why you think you would be a good fit for our group. It’s beneficial if you have your own funding.

Bachelor and Master students:

We also have the opportunity for students in Biology, Bioinformatics, or a related research area to perform a Project, Bachelor or Master thesis in our group. Because we receive a lot of applications, we decided to restrict the application process to two deadlines per year, February 2nd and June 28th, after which we will review all applications and will invite suitable candidates for an interview, on February 11th or July 7th. This will help us to ensure proper supervision for all accepted students. Thus, please send your email with your application for a project or thesis close to one of those deadlines.

If you are interested in working on any of these topics:

  • Molecular evolution of brains
  • Molecular basis of cognitive disorders
  • Evolution of transcription factor families and non-coding RNAs
  • Biological networks

please send an email outlining your motivation and previous research experience along with your CV and university records to

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